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LEAN Innovation Canvas©

A Faster Way to Validate New Venture Ideas

October 22, 2019
“To disrupt a world in constant change you are better to follow a (LEAN) compass than a detailed map. The LEAN Innovation Canvas© and training workshop validate new venture decisions faster than any other LEAN tool.” – Greg Twemlow

The idea for the LEAN Innovation canvas came about when Greg Twemlow was mentoring at a startup accelerator in Wellington, New Zealand. Greg found that the entrepreneurs in the program struggled to apply the complex LEAN Startup canvas and Business Model canvas to their vision for a new company.

In fact the founders were spending more time understanding these complex tools than validating their key assumptions. Having first searched for simpler tools and finding none, Greg decided that he'd devise a LEAN canvas that founders could use to "hack" their startup vision and use it to work through the LEAN startup model more quickly".

Apply the KISS principle to LEAN Startup. The LEAN Innovation Canvas© is ideal for disruptors, entrepreneurs and enterprise innovation teams who need to rapidly validate assumptions before developing products.

Why a Minimum Viable Canvas© In business, simplicity is the key to almost everything, no matter what industry or position you’re in. Keeping things reduced to the minimum viable product, whether that’s an actual product or something intangible like an idea or strategy, is essential to maintain focus and communicate effectively to stakeholders and observers. That means coming up with a concise plan you can easily convey to early adopters or coming up with a tight marketing strategy to bring to your team.

You may have been reading about LEAN Startup methodology, watching the many instructional videos, playing around with Experiment Board, LEAN Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, Business Model Canvas and numerous other tools. You might be joining Webinars, attending LEAN MeetUps and conferences, spending time with a mentor and generally receiving loads of advice.

You're trying to absorb the wisdom of gurus like Steve Blank and Eric Ries and you may have discovered brilliant people such as David Bland, Clay Christensen, Alistair Croll, Ash Maurya, Anita Newton, Grace Ng and Justin Wilcox.

If you are part of an Accelerator or Incubator you will very likely be following a rigorous and formalized LEAN program along with many mentor advice sessions. And there is a fair chance that you are spending so much time studying all this LEAN Methodology content that you find yourself going slightly crazy and not making the kind of progress with your venture that you need to.
The LEAN Innovation Canvas© and 1 day workshop were developed by Greg Twemlow for early-stage startups and enterprise startups. The Canvas is designed to be easy to understand and complete. It's minimal by design, focusing on the most critical elements of idea and market validation. The 1 day workshop is perfect for teams that need to quickly understand how they can ideate, validate, devise and sell their concepts.

The LEAN Innovation Canvas© was not designed for a mature business that needs to reimagine an existing business model. Tools like the Business Model Canvas are better suited for that task.

The videos referenced in the LEAN Innovation Canvas instructions:

Cell 1 - Problem

Cell 2 - Customer

Cell 3 - Solution Test

Cell 4 - Business Model

Cell 5 - Early Adopters

How to find your early adopters by Customer Dev Labs

Cell 6 - Sales Test

How to pitch your idea by Greg Twemlow