Interview with Wal Edwards, OAM, 103 year old Australian Military Veteran

Saluting Their Service Program

SEVENmile Venture Lab recently received confirmation that a Department of Veterans Affairs grant application had been approved.

The Saluting Their Service Commemorations Program is part of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Commemorative Activities Program.

The program is designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage and to involve people throughout the nation in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and promote appreciation and understanding of the role that those who served have played in shaping the nation.

The objective of the program is to acknowledge and commemorate those who served Australia and its allies, in wars, conflicts and peace operations.

SEVENmile Venture Lab is producing a film in collaboration with Lunar Media Productions.

The digital content will be in the form of video interviews of the service personnel. Each interview will be of ten minutes duration and the interviews will be conducted in a small studio located in Seaforth Village. The interviewers will be high school students chosen from public high schools on the northern beaches.

Here's the first interview - Wal Edwards, OAM


For many returned service personnel their stories are never told, or they may be told within the confines of their family and close friends. This is a lost opportunity for the service woman or man and for their family, community and fellow service personnel.

The Program is designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage and to involve people throughout the nation in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and promote appreciation and understanding of the role that those who served have played in shaping the nation.

The format for filming will provide each Veteran and the interviewer with their own video of approximately 10 minutes length plus the entire 10 interviews will be edited together to form a visual storyboard of approximately 100 minutes.

The grant funds are quite modest and SEVENmile Ltd seeks further support from

northern beaches organizations and/or individuals. Sponsors will have their Brand associated with a high-profile community project. The sponsors brand will be the primary brand along with the logos of Department of Veterans Affairs, the videographer/producer, Lunar Media Productions and the director, SEVENmile Venture Lab.

Contact information for all questions below.

Prepared by SEVENmile Venture Lab founder, Greg Twemlow e:, m: 0412555416